
group blog

  For this assignment I will be working solo. I find that when I work on my own I understand the material more. It also tests my abilities to do work on my own. I actually prefer it this way anyway. All of last year I worked in groups and found due dates quite challenging. While this year, I am going to try a new approach, by working alone. This will really show me what I can do on my own and not depend on my peers for help on anything. After all, this is my second year doing this so Im very excited to test my knowledge. During this new assignment about making a short film, it is known material to me as I did it last year. Although it will be longer than last years. Also, making it more challenging by working alone. I don't think it should be too difficult. I feel like I'm pretty confident in the material I learned last year. I like to think of myself as a creative person. I like what I like, with somethings I am particular about. This is another reason why working any myself s

intro blog

  Hi there, my name is Ella Wills, I am a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. This year I am excited to be back in school with my teachers and classmates, but now in A Level!  I am seventeen years old, 18 in 4 days actually. I like to think of myself as an outgoing person, but I do enjoy the company of myself more than anything. I consider myself pretty independent. I do really love to spend time with my family as well. I live with my stepdad and mom. My dad lives in Ireland and is still very close to me. I visit him twice a year there and its very fun. My mom is from England and we also visit there a lot too, as all my family is in the UK. I absolutely love it over there. When I'm older I would like to explore more on that side of the world. I definitely have a passion for travel. In school I try and be very focused on my work and put all my attention to getting my Cambridge diploma. All my AICE classes so far have been challenging, but I have been learning a lot and feel as if

final movie!

  h This is it! Our final movie, that we are so proud of and excited to be done with. This year was great year in media and I have learned so many valuable things along the way. Even through tough times I pushed through and got it done! I really hope you enjoy this as much as we do. 

final touch ups!

   Hello again! Today was pretty good with getting work done. Dellana and I are working very well together and are very productive. Over the past couple of days especially we have been filming the last bits and pieces of our movie. The process as you know has been challenging, but we got it done in the end. There was some minor issues with sound so we went ahead and re filmed those. This definitely was frustrating because we thought everything would have been okay. It turns it like we said last time the wind was really heavy so it was hard to hear our lines. Although this was difficult we knew we had no other choice. We improved the scene as well by getting better lighting and making sure we were in a non windy area. Let’s just say it definitely wasn’t a one take process! That’s okay though, we had fun doing this actually. During filming dellana and I were very stressed, just because we are on a time crunch. We knew we had to set aside time for any issues like this. Which we did, thank

another day down

 We have only about two days left to our production and the pressure is rising. We started off pretty behind filming wise due to weather and our availability to film. However, we pushed through and got it done. We finished our filming, did our editing, added the music, added the subtitles, now all that's left to do is tweak it to be perfect. Dellana and I were thinking about reshooting one of our scenes at the beach because we felt like the audio didn't sound well. It was very windy. We ended up reshooting yesterday and we deleted the old clip and added it into our film. The only thing we had to edit was the transitioning between the scenes and we had to read the captioning. We tweaked very small details in our editing such as sizing with the subtitling captions, placement, and lighting of certain scenes. The lighting in the staircase scene was absolutely horrid so we had to use an app to change the lighting to be somewhat darker to make the scene look more subtle. We were deba

hard work with editing

  It’s almost that time! Dellana and I are so excited to say that we are almost done with our movie journey ! We ran into some problems on the way with all of it. Although we still pushed through and got the editing done. We had some problems with adding the music and sound effects. Unfortunately they were not linking properly to the movie. We tried many options to get it to work and all of them failed. We then began to panic a little bit. We looked up some videos on youtube to try and help us. We finally found one that was helpful. We proceeded back to editing and it finally worked! Unfortunately that wasn’t all. Then some clips disappeared while editing as well. We recovered them thank goodness. We were a little stressed to say the least over everything that had been going on. After we managed to fix everything, we were very relieved. This was just a minor bump that we needed to overcome. In the end we were very happy with how it turned out. We still might make some final touch ups,

music time

  Today was an exciting day for us! We actually chose some of the music for our movie. This took us a while to find because of copyright issues. There is a lot of choice on youtube but we couldn’t quite fine the one we wanted. It had to be a sort of suspenseful sound. We looked for days trying to find one that matched well. We came to a decision of a couple good ones and we chose between them and picked the one that fit the mood the best. We needed to find multiple. Each particular scene needed some sort of background noise or music. Island music was necessary because it was used a lot when writing the script. When finding good island music on youtube we stumbled upon a lot of good options. During the process we chose a good one that was again free of copyright. Although we found them pretty easy on youtube, we were confused to as how we were supposed to put them on the movie. We then did final research on how we were supposed to add them on our clips. We did it successfully and it tur