intro blog

  Hi there, my name is Ella Wills, I am a junior at Fort Lauderdale High School. This year I am excited to be back in school with my teachers and classmates, but now in A Level!  I am seventeen years old, 18 in 4 days actually. I like to think of myself as an outgoing person, but I do enjoy the company of myself more than anything. I consider myself pretty independent. I do really love to spend time with my family as well. I live with my stepdad and mom. My dad lives in Ireland and is still very close to me. I visit him twice a year there and its very fun. My mom is from England and we also visit there a lot too, as all my family is in the UK. I absolutely love it over there. When I'm older I would like to explore more on that side of the world. I definitely have a passion for travel. In school I try and be very focused on my work and put all my attention to getting my Cambridge diploma. All my AICE classes so far have been challenging, but I have been learning a lot and feel as if I have improved in my learning. In my media class I am excited to learn about film and dynamics of making videos. I do have a strong interest in this class that will hopefully lead to me doing well. I take schooling seriously and work hard. I feel this year will be a good year. Now that you know more about me, I am excited to do my final task and i’m sure to make it my best! 


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